LEMON SHOT is an innovative product formulated with a set of synergistic acti-
ve ingredients, designed specifically for the treatment of cellulite and to re-
shape the silhouette through lipolytic mechanisms. Advanced formulation for
an integrated approach that combines the power of the slimming lipo-amino
acid CLA-Carnitine with Forskolin, extremely effective in promoting thermo-
This matrix of active ingredients is complemented by a selection of classic li-
polytics, including Lecithin, Bromelain (extracted from pineapple), Papain (from
papaya), Riboflavin (vitamin B2), Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) and L-carni-
tine. The synergy of these ingredients makes it possible to boost lipid metabo-
lism, accelerating lipolysis processes and facilitating the elimination of excess
In addition, the formula of LEMON SHOT nourishes and revitalizes the skin with
a double beneficial effect: a marked reduction in fat deposits and a significant
improvement in the skin structure, with a skin that is more elastic and toned.
This medical-scientific approach lays the foundation for an effective and com-
prehensive treatment, aimed not only at reducing cellulite, but also at enhan-
cing skin health, promoting a healthier and more invigorated appearance.
Safety and High Standards
Patient safety is a top priority in our formulations. The choice to use sterile me-
dical vials, produced according to strict pharmaceutical standards, is aimed
at guaranteeing a level of purity and quality without compromise, allowing pa-
tients to enjoy the benefits of treatment in a safe and controlled setting.
In addition, each stage of our production is subjected to scrupulous quality
controls, with constant monitoring of manufacturing conditions and raw mate-
rials used. This ensures that the final product is not only effective, but also highly
tolerated by the skin,
All our clinical treatments that is based on strong principles of safety and com-
pliance with health regulations, providing patients with an effective and reas-
suring skincare experience.
Forkolin targets adipocyte receptors by increasing c-AMP signaling, with proven lipolytic
action. The extract found in For contains a unique level of purity (97%) from pharma-
ceutical grade GMP plant. Forskolin is a labdane diterpene that activates the enzyme
adenylate cyclase (a turnkey compound that initiates a cascade of metabolic re-
actions within every cell in the body) by increasing cyclic AMP levels in a variety of tis-
sues; Cyclic AMP activates many other enzymes involved in different cellular functions
Essential fatty acid, absolute reference for lipolytic and anti-inflammatory activity.
It promotes the decrease of body fat, increasing the internal production of Carnitine.
Stable to oxidation and able to increase the delivery of peptides/oligopeptides.
Fat burner universally used in the medical sector. It promotes the transport of fats in the
mitochondria, favoring their use for energy purposes. It is functionalized in combination
with CLA which allows its correct absorption, delivering it optimally to the target.
CLA and Carnitine,
Synergistic fat burners. The release of carnitine is increased by CLA which stimulates
the physiological increase of carnitine.
CLA and Carnitine are synergistic fat burners that work in combination to improve fat
metabolism and weight loss. An important component in this category is conjugated
linoleic acid (CLA), which has been shown to have positive effects in optimizing body
composition and supporting fat loss.
CLA Mechanism of Action
CLA is a naturally occurring fatty acid whose main action consists in modulating lipid
metabolism by increasing fat oxidation and reducing the accumulation of adipose tis-
sue. One of its most significant effects is the increase in the levels of carnitine, a mole-
cule essential for the metabolism of fatty acids.
Carnitine Release
Carnitine is essential for transporting long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondria, the
“power plants” of cells, where they are oxidized for energy. The physiological increase
in carnitine mediated by CLA leads to a greater use of fats as a source of energy, thus
promoting a decrease in fat mass and an improvement in body composition.
Synergy and combined effects
CLA used in combination with other fat-burning substances acts by optimizing the me-
tabolic pathways involved in the reduction of adipose tissue, increasing the mobilization
of stored fats and improving physical performance.
Lecithin is a phospholipid found in many cells in the body, particularly cell membra-
nes. It plays a crucial role in regulating lipid metabolism. Lecithin contains choline, an
essential nutrient that is crucial for the synthesis of phosphatidylcholine, an important
component of cell membranes and fat metabolism. Due to its emulsifying properties,
lecithin facilitates the breakdown and absorption of fats, contributing to their dispersion
in the bloodstream, which can help in the optimization of the mobilization and use of
fatty acids as an energy source.
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
Riboflavin is a water-soluble vitamin that plays a crucial role in energy metabolism. It
is a coenzyme for various enzymatic processes, including the electron transport chain,
which is essential for the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the main energy
molecule in the body. Riboflavin contributes to the breakdown of fatty acids and com-
bines nutrients to release energy.
Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme extracted from pineapple, known for its anti-inflam-
matory and digestive properties. This enzyme facilitates the breakdown of proteins
into amino acids, thus helping to improve the digestive process. Its anti-inflammatory
properties may prove useful in combination with other compounds to stimulate blood
circulation, promoting better elimination of fats and metabolic waste.
Carnitine is a chemical compound involved in the transport of fatty acids into the mito-
chondria, the energy powerhouses of cells. Here, fatty acids undergo oxidation to gene-
rate ATP. Carnitine plays a fundamental role in fat metabolism, contributing to weight
loss and increased physical performance. Carnitine supplementation has been asso-
ciated with improvements in exercise endurance and a reduction in fat mass in some
Cianocobalamina (Vitamin B12)
Vitamin B12 is essential for DNA synthesis and the production of red blood cells. It plays
a key role in the metabolism of fatty acids and amino acids. Through its action in
metabolism, it also indirectly contributes to weight management and cardiovascular
Papain is a proteolytic enzyme derived from papaya, known for its digestive abilities.
It promotes the breakdown of proteins, improving the assimilation of nutrients. Papain
also exhibits anti-inflammatory properties and may help to improve skin health. This
enzyme, along with several bioactive peptides found in papaya, can help keep the skin
supple and glowing, thus also improving the aesthetic appearance.
• RIBOFLAVIN (Vitamin B2)
• Shake the vial well before using
INTENDED USE: Product for Medical professional use. Use in microneedle mesotherapy,
needle-free mesotherapy, sonophoresis, iontophoresis and oxygen infusion treatments.
The box contains 10 vials of 10 ml.