Tanning Face Magic plus Solarium hexa facial 6 lamps
Six irradiant groups intercrossed high pressure lamps to offer a natural and perfect face tan. Two tanning units for hand and forearm tanning.
Intense fan system flow, Electronic variation, to avoid claustrophobia and heating process.

Tanning Face Magic plus Solarium hexa facial 6 lamps
The best Solarium for tanning face/bust and hands tanning in the world. The tanning power of sun in a new technologic research. Innovative design and ergonomic style.To get all the technology you need at the best quality/price ratio in an innovative but essential product.
Six irradiant groups intercrossed high pressure lamps to offer a natural and perfect face tan. Two tanning units for hand and forearm tanning.
Intense fan system flow, Electronic variation, to avoid claustrophobia and heating process.
Efficiency, safety and comfort for users, maximum simplicity of use for operators choosing it for their clients.
Maintenance and cleaning are easy and immediate. Safety is guaranteed by electronic monitoring of absence of damage to filters,
operating temperature and ventilation.
Vision optimized by TOUCH SCREEN colours display PLUS and TS version (blue background LCD display CM version). Different exposure times can be selected.
Digital audio is integrated into the display panel, includes a choice of source type, RADIO or AUX, with two speakers.
Complete audio system the Vocal synthesis message (welcome, instructions and greeting).

extra comfort for the relaxing of tanning session.
Integrated in the control display the separated starting system fits the tanning session to the user preferences, using only some lamps for a different body area exposure: total body, only face or only legs.
Uv control power is the exclusive electronic dimmer to vary the lamps irradiation power with double functions from 15 Years used and improved by eurosun.
During the tanning session it enables the user to regulate lamps power depending on his fototype to get a safe, perfect and uniform tan.
It enables the manager to set the lamps at the requested power keeping the output constant and enhancing the lasting until 33%: the energy saving is about 15%.
Uv Control Power does not need any specific maintenance. It might be set in compliance with the country emissions index and it can be regulated by digital control according to the voltage variation.
Audio is integrated into the display panel, includes a choice of source type, RADIO or AUX, with two speakers. Complete the audio system the vocal synthesis message.
The writing in display LCD choice can be english, italian, spanish, other languages on request.
Magic face also has a powerful extractor system for the hot air generated, to ensure maximum well-being during tanning sessions.
Eclectic and personalized models, all machines can be to personalize the colour choice of colour shades besides the catalogue proposals. Customer logo can be integrated.
Tanning Face Magic Plus Solarium Hexa facial 6 lamps
Hands Tanning in all versions
Uv Control Power
Session Time personalized
UV super bronze filters in PLUS version, on request in TS and CM version
UV class filters in TS and CM version
Colours display and TOUCH SCREEN controls in PLUS and TS version
LCD blue display in CM version
Soft Touch Sensor controls panel in CM version
Audio integrated in the controls panel – Volume Adjustable + Mute Function + AUDIO AUX

Back massage in PLUS version, on request in TS and CM version
Cushion supports the legs with electric movement in PLUS version, on request in TS and CM version
Electrically adjustable back in PLUS version, on request in TS and CM version
Vocal synthesis message (welcome, instructions and greeting) in PLUS versions, on request in TS and CM version
Two menu setting (with password) with parameter adjustable
Temperature control sensor
UV security filters detectors – lack/damage
Double safety timer
Time of check time maintenance setting from Display
Time of Block time machine setting by Phone
Electric general switch
Hours and sessions electronic and mechanical counter
Emergency button
Predisposed remote management by computer
Predisposed remote control by coin or external signal
Predisposed for expulsion hot air lamps
Aroma system on request
Acqua spray system on request
Headphones on request
MP3 connection on request
Paper towel roll support in PLUS version, on request in TS and CM version
Expulsion air tube on request
Tanning Face Magic plus Solarium hexa facial
Dimensions cm: Length 113 / Depth 130 (150 cushion supports the legs open) / Height 190
More information and specifications are listed in the catalog.
Working voltage: 400 V + 10% 50/60 Hz 3N ~ / On request: 230 V ± 10% 50/60 Hz 3 ~